Home > Business> Meeting&Training> Training > The Richard Scoliosis Correction Course has been opened in China for the first time

From August 13 to August 18, 2018, the first scoliosis correction course introduced by Professor Sui Hongjin and hosted by Teacher Li Zhe was held in Hongfeng Biology. This training hired Dr. Richard from Czech to teach the Bragg faction muscle chain balance theory founded by him. The theory is simple and easy to learn. It only relies on one elastic rope, two support rods, and dozens of standard training movements. Through training, the trainees can form a balance between different functional muscle groups, so as to achieve the treatment effect of scoliosis and disc herniation, so as to reduce unnecessary surgery. The first batch of students will be the seeds of the Bragg faction to carry this theory forward in China!



In order to prepare for this course and facilitate students' understanding and learning, the team of Professor Sui Hongjin and Teacher Li Zhe completed the compilation of the book "Muscle Chain" edited by Dr. Richard in advance. The book sample has been used by the first batch of students and will be officially released in the country in the near future.


