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Hong-Jin Sui


Professor PhD guide February 1965 Democratic League

Experts enjoy the special allowance of The State Council

Founder of the Mystery of Life Museum

General Manager of Dalian Hongfeng Biotechnology Co., LTD

Director of Department of Anatomy, Dalian Medical University

Chief science communication expert of China Association for Science and Technology

Vice President of the Chinese Society of Anatomy

Chairman of the Science Popularization Committee of the Chinese Society of Anatomy

Vice Chairman of Dalian Municipal Committee of the Democratic League

Member of Dalian Political Consultative Committee

In 1994, assigned by the Dalian Medical University, Prof. Sui Hong-Jin studied abroad at the Heidelberg University as a visiting scholar. Prof. Sui specially learned the plastination technique. After homecoming, he devoted himself to the research and exploitation of this technique plastination. Furthermore, he has been to Austria, Australia and Spain for attending the international conference on plastination in which he discussed the plastination technique together with many famous experts. Through the effort, Prof. Sui has mastered and improved all kinds of techniques of plastination.

To promote the development of domestic plastination undertaking in China, Prof. Sui established the Dalian Hoffen Bio-Technique Co.,Ltd. in 2004. The specimens exploited and produced by it have gained extensive recognition and high comment from experts and scholars. He has published tens of papers and text books home and abroad. He was awarded successively first prize for scientific and technological progress by national ministry of education and prize for scientific and technological progress by Liaoning office of science and technology and office of education. Furthermore, he has cultivated nearly twenty graduates.

At the end of 2004, Prof. Sui were selected “The Most Bold Science Popularization Star” by the Science Times and the Science Nets,just because he overcame many difficulties and ?successfully held the “body worlds” exhibition in Beijing in April, 2004. This exhibition gave public a chance to observe and learn the structure of human body, sequentially more concern their health.

Xue-Wei Ma


Party Branch Secretary and Deputy General Manager

Senior high school teacher, assistant engineer

Member of the 8th Committee of Lushun District Association for Science and Technology, Dalian City

Member of Lushun International Chamber of Commerce, Dalian

Graduated from College of Life Science, Hubei Normal University, majoring in Biological science. During the period when I was in charge of corporate legal affairs, I participated in more than 20 lawsuits of various kinds, and effectively prevented direct economic losses and reputation damage of enterprises by using legal weapons. Many of these international cases have been listed as classic cases by relevant state departments and media and received attention and reports. The "Research and Reference" of the Ministry of Commerce also quoted the Revelation of Hongfeng's transnational case written by Ma Xuewei, which was sent as an internal reference document to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, The State Council, the National People's Congress, the General Office of the CPPCC National Committee and other government departments at or above the provincial and ministerial level, with significant social impact. He has won many honorary titles such as "Dalian Enterprise Management Innovation Achievement Award", "Dalian Enterprise Federation Advanced Worker", "Dalian Lushunkou District Outstanding Communist Party Member", "Lushunkou District Outstanding Trade Union Worker".

In the field of bioplasticization and cultural science popularization for more than 10 years, I have obtained 2 authorized invention patents, published 1 article in the international journal of Anatomy, drafted 1 enterprise standard, participated in the compilation of 4 popular science books, and published 4 signed articles in the local media. He has published many popular science dissertations in Science Times, Science World, Science Times, etc. Mysteries of Life Series, which he co-edited, was shortlisted in the 2018 China Excellent Popular Science Books List. In the same year, it was recommended by the China Association for Science and Technology and won the second Prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award. In 2020, he was selected as Dalian high-level Talents.